Rhinoplasty 101
Figure 1: The Nose
The Asian nose is characterised by its shortness of the nasal tip, and the 'button' nose type is generally considered unattractive. Figure 1 compares the Asian nose with the Caucasian nose.
You would notice that the tip of the nose is not made up of calcified bone (Nasal Bone), but in fact made of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue found in various parts of the body such as the nose, ear and joints. So at this point the connection between rhinoplasty and cartilage is clear. To make your nose sharper, you have to harvest cartilage from somewhere and graft it back into your nose.
Basically you can't remove the cartilage from your joints (since you would still prefer to be a non-handicapped beauty), you would have to remove it from either the ear or the sternum's costal cartilage (the stuff that connects your breastbone to your ribs) or even someone else's cartilage (your body won't reject cartilage since its not alive). The ear is usually used (no one really listens anyway) and this bone is taken and grafted onto the tip of the nose. That's Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty in a nut shell.

In addition to giving you a sharper nose, other less demanding procedures can be accomplished. One of them is Alar Cartilage Resection. This one, basically, as the picture suggests makes ur nostrils narrower. Again eliminating the wide button nose South East Asians suffer from. So on the bright side, when there's a will, there's a way: if you wanna lose the nose, get a good plastie and pay your bills.
So ladies and gents that's how its done.

The Asian nose is characterised by its shortness of the nasal tip, and the 'button' nose type is generally considered unattractive. Figure 1 compares the Asian nose with the Caucasian nose.
You would notice that the tip of the nose is not made up of calcified bone (Nasal Bone), but in fact made of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue found in various parts of the body such as the nose, ear and joints. So at this point the connection between rhinoplasty and cartilage is clear. To make your nose sharper, you have to harvest cartilage from somewhere and graft it back into your nose.
Basically you can't remove the cartilage from your joints (since you would still prefer to be a non-handicapped beauty), you would have to remove it from either the ear or the sternum's costal cartilage (the stuff that connects your breastbone to your ribs) or even someone else's cartilage (your body won't reject cartilage since its not alive). The ear is usually used (no one really listens anyway) and this bone is taken and grafted onto the tip of the nose. That's Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty in a nut shell.

In addition to giving you a sharper nose, other less demanding procedures can be accomplished. One of them is Alar Cartilage Resection. This one, basically, as the picture suggests makes ur nostrils narrower. Again eliminating the wide button nose South East Asians suffer from. So on the bright side, when there's a will, there's a way: if you wanna lose the nose, get a good plastie and pay your bills.
So ladies and gents that's how its done.
I suggest you turn on word recognition.
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As med students, do you guys believe that when someone changes his/her facial features, it changes his/her life as well? I am thinking of having a sharper tip and am apprehensive of the consequences.
This is not to be considered as Medical Advice.
What I believe is that any amount of facial feature changes will bring about changes to a persons life however small. The pros and cons of undergoing a procedure such as this will have to be measured and judged by you yourself. Looking at the underlying cause of your desire to get the operation will help. Maybe tackling the problem from there on will help you feel better about yourself without needing surgery. Remember: No one will be able to make this decision for you.
You will have to consider factors such as satisfaction with the results (it might turn out different from what you have expected). Choose someone reputable as bludges would probably cost you more of your time and money to get the problem fixed. Anyway always talk it through with your surgeon and family/friends before taking the plunge.
So do take all the time to make up your mind so that you do not regret afterwards.
hax out.
Precisely. I think Dawn comes across as a superficial and highly insecure person to have undergone so much surgery at such a young age. I dont see how her highly artificial looks deserves a talent contract. This is a truly worrying examply for young people.
She can't even move her face properly or emote and her blog is so insipid and boring. If you want to be narcissictic, at least have something interesting, or thought provoking to say.
And what's with the "Christian- church going" persona she's trying to portray? Gimme a break.
I think you missed out something else- hyaluronic acid injections into the chin to create a sharper pointed chin.
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