The Three Plasticteers
Disclaimer: I am not trying to ruin anyone in this post, but this is just an observation I have made.
This is not totally related to Dawn but I thought this was funny:
Spot the similarities in the following two pictures and hover your mouse over each of them for the answers.

If my sources arereliable [Ed: not very reliable indeed], Candice was from the 2002 graduating class of ACJC and both Dawn and Grace [Ed: Candice too, all three were from RJC] [Ed. Ok, wherever the fuck Candice is from] were from the 2002 class of RJC. The three of them are friends.
This rumour has been to my knowledge since 2003 after the end of the A levels. It was said that Dawn, Grace and Candice got their noses done at the same place. At first I was skeptical of this piece of information, but just a while ago, I spotted Grace in the University of Sydney sporting a new nose. Another friend of mine informed me that Candice (the girl on the right in picture 2) was in USyd as well and people have been saying that she had a nose-job done (he also identified her in that picture).
I have no evidence or proof (I do not have secondary school pictures of them and also this isn't about them) of this but the similarities in the two pictures speaks a thousand words. Also I do not intend to burn more witches than it is necessary (I just hope Dawn can come clean). Simply put, this is just a sideline comment and an observation of the plastic scene in Singapore [Ed: There are shitzloadz of people who had plastic surgery done!!!1!one!].
Makes one wonder how much of your girlfriend is real eh (Troll <3 is 100% AFAIK).
This is not totally related to Dawn but I thought this was funny:
Spot the similarities in the following two pictures and hover your mouse over each of them for the answers.

If my sources are
This rumour has been to my knowledge since 2003 after the end of the A levels. It was said that Dawn, Grace and Candice got their noses done at the same place. At first I was skeptical of this piece of information, but just a while ago, I spotted Grace in the University of Sydney sporting a new nose. Another friend of mine informed me that Candice (the girl on the right in picture 2) was in USyd as well and people have been saying that she had a nose-job done (he also identified her in that picture).
I have no evidence or proof (I do not have secondary school pictures of them and also this isn't about them) of this but the similarities in the two pictures speaks a thousand words. Also I do not intend to burn more witches than it is necessary (I just hope Dawn can come clean). Simply put, this is just a sideline comment and an observation of the plastic scene in Singapore [Ed: There are shitzloadz of people who had plastic surgery done!!!1!one!].
Makes one wonder how much of your girlfriend is real eh (Troll <3 is 100% AFAIK).
Candice wasn't from ACJC, you dumbass. And she looks lovely no matter what. Amanda H.
candice was from rjc too. they were all from rjc. and they all did plastic. I'm 100% sure
ok. so? they're hot
And what's the point of this post? The plastic scene in Singapore--when you only invoke three girls?
I don't think the point is whether they are hot/pretty/beautiful. But whether or not they did indeed get plastic surgery. It does seem that grace and candice look more 'normal' than dawn does now. She seems to have gotten the most work done on her face.
if all 3 girls did go for plastic surgery and had a nose job... i think the other 2 girls look more prettier than dawn by just having a so called "new nose"... maybe that's why dawn decided to have lot more work done on her face and not just a nose... sheesh
Anony 0253: I was trying to get the point that plastic surgeries are a lot more commonplace in Singapore than people care to admit. Plus this is faster to fix up (took less than 30 minutes) during my break from studying for my next 3 exam papers.
Amanda H: And Im sorry for the Candice AC/RJC mix-up, the party that supplied the information has been shot.
oi. change the title of your blog leh! dawning of tHe truth. not dawning of teh truth.
omg, who the hell do you think you are?
i object to this, this calling of people witches and posting their photos up to examine in a pseudo-scientific manner. this is an invasion of privacy!
Oh please Candice isn't from RJC either. but you are right, she is studying in Sydney and I'm gonna visit her in a weeks time. Fucking try again. Stop insulting Candice or Dawn. Amanda H.
AFAIK, grace and candice are NOT celebrities. they don't deserve this! go examine fiona xie or whoever's face if you're so bored.
oh come on. its his blog. he can do whatever he wants on it. i'm a staunch believer in, if you don't like what you read, then don't read it. go. scram. this website is obviously for people interested in knowing what these hot young nymphs did to their faces.
and he didn't mean to call them witches. it was a metaphor.
wonder that anon is it one of these 3 girls in the defensive HA! look, look, skip this blog if it bothers ya OK! oh, don't ever come back and post stupid stuffs here by telling the owner what to blog eh?! DUH!
to whoever said the title should be changed from 'teh' to 'the',
i think the joke missed you by a mile.
go figure.
at least grace and candice didn't change their WHOLE face! can still recognize them! and grace is a really GENUINELY nice girl, unlike dawn who tries so hard to act nice, sweet and innocent
i don't think grace deserves this. she keeps a really low profile. think she already saw this coming. let's just keep dawn in focus. and maybe candice.
i'm not any one of these girls, but i've gone for plastic surgery before.
what's wrong with you people?
i am all for free speech, but another person's rights ends where another person's nose begins
there's absolutely nothing wrong for whatever the blog owner writes in his/her blog too (shrugs)
its your choice to go for plastic surgery... and be open to creiticism, you shoyld fuckin be prepared for that. its OUR right to judge
who wanna love a plastic allover person? not a bit of plastic ok but implants, silicon allover the face we are talking here sheesh
I know all 3 girls and though i do the truth about all 3, lets leave candice and grace alone. They can be so-callled gold diggers and may dress like whores from las vegas but they are actually pretty cool. Dawn on the other hand.... Lets have a party with her!! She is gonna be, already is, and will continue to be trashed by everyone. Its not cuz she's plastic either. She's completely full of shit. She is a walking lie and give me one reason why anyone should support a skank looking bimbo like her. The only reason why i support dawn's fame si cuz she will become excelletn entertainemnt to us when she gets trashed by the media and mkaing a fool of herself.
After observing at her face, it's obvious where her inspiration for plastic surgery came from.
Denise Keller + Vivian Tsu + Fiona Xie + Zhen Shan (Both are regular zoukettes, so I hear. ZS is the Arissaluna at that people have been saying Dawn strangely resembles) = Dawn Yang.
PURE EVIL. one day u guys will burn in hell. These girls beauty may not be completely God-given, but at least they've got a gd heart and don't go around dissing or bitching about people. And who is completely natural these days? U wear braces, u do lasik, put makeup, also not natural. Go to Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, and they're all surgically enhanced too. I dare you to go use all those people as examples as well u hateful idiots.
but they didn't change their whole faces aka dawn. let's leave the other two out of it... grace still looks the same from sec school...
that's not the worst of it, i've read people saying plastic surgery is equal to dressing up, wearing nice clothes too. WTF is wrong with them. Obviously they're different as night and day
Does anyone know where Dawn went for her surgery?
can someone tell me if arissa luna did plastic surgery?
why is arissaluna's name mentioned again?
i think dawn or her friends should STOP bringing arissaluna into it. i heard that she sabotaged arissaluna before this whole expose on her, probably trying to create an escape route before entering showbiz so that if such an expose came up in the future, people would think, oh, everyone gets accused of plastic surgery!
that's why arissaluna deleted dawn off her friendster account and wanted to sever any sort of associations with her. because dawn is a bitch and sabotaged her.
dawn, people see through your evil intentions. sink in your own boat alone. don't bring the innocent into it.
anyway the PROFESSIONAL doctors here can take arissaluna's picture and do an analysis. she looks very natural to me. i have also known her for a long time since secondary school days.
all her pictures are here for these medical students to analyze.
ah ya why are u wasting your time on investigating things like this.
if people want to go for plastic surgery ...then let them lah.
and plastic surgery is just something to enhance your look permanently
and make up is also something to enhance your look temporary
so if you are sooooooooooooo into commenting like plastic surgery go and comment on people that put makeup
gosh u are so spastic
No one gives a flying-two-fuck about people putting on make-up, but people DO give a fuck about people getting plastic surgeries.
Will you sell crash helmets to kamikaze pilots?
Can do one on Fiona Xie? Cos I think Dawn and Fiona do have similar looks :P
hlol .. candice was from CJC.
grace and dawn were from RJC.
That's it. Period.
fiona xie did her nose bridge, boobs and eyes (but a different procedure) right?
oh well....I don't know her at all so I can't judge whether she's a nice girl or not. But after surfing thru 20+ blogs (it's AMAZING how much people write about her!) I think it pretty much comes down to either:
a.) You hate her completely
b.) You love her because 1.) You are a result of plastic surgery yourself or 2.) You are a guy who wouldn't mind having a quickie w/ her.
And oh yes, defenders keep saying to lay off of her because she's not a celebrity. So what is a celebrity?...according to a celebreity is 1.) a famous person 2.) Renown; fame. Apparently, seeing as she is the #1 search on's a celebrity. Besides, if we aren't allowed to criticize celebrities - tell me again why there are Britney Spears and J.Lo hate sites?
Besides, she's one of the lucky ones. You get plastic surgury which I think pretty obvious she had a fair amount of and she becomes the talk of the town! She's almost like a poorer asian version of Paris Hilton except she can't handle the publicity with the devil-may-care flaunt of PH.
To tz: Did you mean those to be strictly applied to bloggers who wrote about her?
option 3) You find the topic interesting and decide to blog about it since its something everyone seems to be interested in.
then again.. I think this post is uncalled for. her friends are innocent and not obligated to own up whether they plastic surgery or not, neither did we hear any big hooha regarding them whining about being accused or slaming plastic surgery.
Dawn on the other hand is going to be a celebrity and she should know that her private life is about to become non-existant. If she cant stand up to the tempest, she won't have the qualities to be a celeb either.
so just focus on dawn please.
ok all 3 of them definitely have the same nose...(probably brought the same picture to the same doctor...anyone wanna go find out whose nose it is?) i know all 3...candice used to look really sweet and innocent with specs but now she and grace definitely look more matured and pretty. as for dawn...she's definitely prettier now, but then again she wasn't ugly in the first place. she didn't really need so much surgery. god i couldn't even recognise her!
thing is, dawn, if you wanted to keep the plastic a secret, you shouldn't have announced your schools to everyone. didn't it occur to you that schoolmates were gonna say "no i've never EVER seen this girl in SCGS/RJC before!"? brains, my dear. brains. wad happened to yours?
doubts she has one LOL
To tky: I was being unclear, sorry :P....I was referring to both bloggers and the general commenting public but more to the latter, honestly. While bloggers seem more intent on digging up the 'truth' through actual pictorial evidence, mere commenters tend to write more about their FEELINGS and those were what I were referencing. So, no, my rough little categorizations were not specifically geared towards bloggers who write about her at all.
PLZ.. wat do you care if they underwent pastic surgery.. hahaha.. itll fall off when theyr 35 anw.. PLUS half the pple in singapore look like they need it!!
Your site is interesting, but I think that involving Grace and Candice in this is unfair and uncalled for. This is not their battle.
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