Monday, December 05, 2005


Before we get down to the structure of the eyes, I would like to mention that double eyelids are a predominantly Caucasian phenotype. Most Caucasians I've seen on my trip to Queensland (a very enjoyable trip from Gold Coast up to the Whitsundays) had double eyelids. However only about 50% of Asians have double eyelids.
NB: I wish to address that the connotation of single eyelids is a misnomer: everyone has double eyelids, except in some cases, the crease, or fold, is so low (and close) to the lash line that it's not noticably visible.

In my sourcing for the article, I've found a very good site that explains the anatomy of the Asian eyelid, but I will attempt to summarize the gist of it here.
The important components of the eyelids for the sake of this discussion are
1) Levator Aponeurosis
2) Tarsal Plate
3) Skin of the Eyelid &
4) Fat, fat and more fat.

Levator Aponeurosis: A muscles that lifts the eyelids. Its different site of attachment in the Asian eyelid is what causes the single eyelid.
Tarsal Plate: It's just below your eyelash line and it gives some rigidity and structure to the lash line (you can pinch your lashes to feel it).
Skin: What makes up the external surface of the eyelid, it forms the creases and folds when we open our eyes.
Fat: Strategic locationing (and surpluses) of fat gives the "bulgy" Asian eye appearance (especially pronounced in the lower eyelid, a.k.a. eyebags), making us look wary and tired all the time. Caucasians (most) have relatively thinner eyelids.

In a nutshell, some Asians (me included) don't get double eyelids cause a muscle attaches to a different spot (see that red arrow?). It's as simple as that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think most japanese girls esp those in the fashion/makeup magazines have tweaked a thing or two about themselves, mainly double eyelids.That's why they look more angmo (i.e Kose or Kanebo girls)

Koreans usually opt for double eyelid, but prefer to retain their asian look.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i noticed that Dawn had low-set double eyelids before. So what do you think she did to raise her double eyelids to make them more caucasion-looking? Does double eyelid tape help?

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually i beg to differ. many of my friends and I included have double eyelids. Even the ones that are not "close to the lash line". But as Asians, to have eyelids like Dawn's is quite impossible as her line is too high up and deep. Asians rarely have eyelids that high up and deep. If she takes off her makeup, I am positive that the lines on her eyes (as well as the angle of her nose) would not look like they belong on her face.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to add on to what brena has said, even if it is remotely possible that asians might have such high n deep double eyelids, the following 2 pictures obviously show 2 different pairs of eyes, ie one before and the other after cosmetic surgery.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

double eyelid tapes will not be able to create such vast difference.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your so called 'before' picture is not a real 'before'. That was after her 1st eyelid and nose surgery. Please refer to her RJC pics for the baseline.

8:34 PM  
Blogger omfgima1337hax said...

Double eyelids are present in Asians but many sources point to about a 50-50 distribution between those with and without double eyelids.

No I did not state that double eyelids make anyone look angmoh-ish. It's just that most Caucasians have double eyelids cause it's in their genes.

p.s. Much <3 to Changi Airport's free but mule-ass-slow internet connection four this. 3 more hours to go yay!

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think she has more than once of the surgery and she also made the corners of her eyes to lengthen it and lower eyelids to give a more puppy look droop at the low outer corners of her eyes.

now her eyes comapre to her 2003(after eyelid surgery) she has rounder cuter looking eyes than that of a more slaty eyes in 2003.

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just done double eyelid surgery in Singapore. but the result is not as big as dawn's eyelid or more to angmoh look.

whats wrong with it? issit cos the doctor cant done it so well? or i should have re-do my double eyelid surgery to make it look bigger as japanese girls?

5:54 AM  
Blogger CynnedCynner said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:50 AM  
Blogger CynnedCynner said...

Hi there,
I'm not a supporter of DY but the following may make me sound like one, but i am just enquiring and actually confused.

I'd like to ask...
I have deep double lids, quite high 'nasal bone', but the nostrils are absolutely asianly wide. Sharp long chin that in sec sch ppl call me horse face, but now slightly plump so the face looks like doll shape.

My main point is, i realised that some of my relatives (mum's side) only resemble 'malay', while some looks slightly eurasian, my dad's side's all from china and look typically cheena, but my dad has double eyelids and look like the dark chinese (ppl say the hokkien part is dark) one, mom looks like a pretty chinese.

I personally look like (i quote ppl i meet) pinoy, mixed chinese, sometimes malay, when i make up ppl say malay eurasian.

Point is, none is adopted, and we are 3 generations of pure come i look so ailen?

and i am just a young student and i know I did not do no plastic surgery.

Just like Dawn, when take full force family shots, i reallllllly look like the 'ailen' in the whole family.

Aunts did suspect their granddad (my great grandad) was adopted, but grandparents and parents look chinese, but how come i am distinctively non chinese look as i grow older?

This has been boggling me for sometime already.

If you this interests you, here is my contact haha

12:52 AM  

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