Monday, September 04, 2006
omfgima1337hax is a third year medical student majoring in Neuroscience and Pathology. He intends to study Medicine and become a Plastic Surgeon.
vb3rTr0LL is a third year Psychology major with focus on Memory and Social Psychology. She aspires to stay at uni till Ph.D. and open up her own practice for the sick sick generation to come.
They stay at a little apartment in suburban Sydney and plans to marry after they have paid off their debts.
Previous Posts
- CommSec projects increase in egg sale for third qu...
- Eye Thought Eye Saw...
- A Short Note
- Eyes-breakers
- Lip Tricks
- Dude! Where's My Bow?!?!
- Lip Service (Part 2)
- MTG Explains Dawn's Latest Post
- Lip Service (Part 1)
- The Three Plasticteers