Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Lip Tricks

Dawn Yang haters won't like this post.

Another feature of Dawn Yang that has came into question is her lips; sweet luscious fruits of kissing joy, are they for real? Before reading this article, one should probably read Lip Service (Part 1) and (Part 2)

For the sake of this article, I have found a pair of matching pictures with relatively similar poses and camera angles:
The pictures used
The first thing that anyone would notice is the shape and size of her eyes are rather dissimilar, but her eyes are not the topic of discussion for this article. They will be looked at on a future date.

Zooming up on her lips, we get:
The Lips
Firstly, in my Lip Service articles, I talked about Lip Reduction and Augmentation. From the thickness of the vermillion in either pictures, I became pretty convinced that her inferior (lower) lips are more or less the same. They have the same thickness and the same shape. With that said, I am unable to find any evidence supporting claims that she had altered her lips to make them look fuller or thinner.

However, when we take a closer look at her superior (upper) lip, we will be able to notice that the shape of the Cupid's Bow (that's why Cupid was going "Where's my bow?" if you didn't get the joke in the last article) is different. The vermillion of the superior lip (on the left picture) is flatter and does not possess the same concaving indenture visible in the second (right) picture. If you do not know what I am talking about, place your mouse over the image and an outline of the border of the vermillion and the skin on the superior lip will be visible. Clearly something was done to erase the little depression on that lip.

"So she did something to her lips! Stone her!!" you might say. But I need to urge readers that this conclusion is based on only one set of pictures. This is, sadly, due to the lack of high-resolution pictures of pre-operative Dawn (however we have many, many pictures of post-operative Dawn, see the collage in Dude, Where's My Bow? [the Cupid's Bow is not evident in any of them]) <-- nested comments ftw.

In a nutshell, I am unable to draw a definitive conclusion to the problem at hand. All I can say is that I am about 75% confident that she did have surgical intervention on her kissers to remove that little bow on her upper lip. On the other hand, rumours of her pumping up or shaving off her lips are quite unfound.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Dude! Where's My Bow?!?!

This is just a teaser and some major flame-bait:
"Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway? The game where everything's made up and the points don't matter, that's right the points are like whether Dawn Yang lied."
In the spirit of investigation, 1000 points for anyone who can prove I am the alleged Biren. 1000 points for the first to tell me who that bloke in the middle of the picture is!

Cupid lost his bow!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Lip Service (Part 2)

Due to popular demand, objective omfgima1337hax has been reinstated. And regarding this Biren business, I am not Biren nor do I know who the hell this Biren person is. If only someone could be so nice as to provide more information on this mysterious name; much thanks in advance.

Without further ado, today we talk about the second type of procedure done on the lips (continuation of Lip Service Part 1).

2. Lip Augmentation
Instead of thinning the lips, lip augmentation allows the thickening or modeling of the lips as a patient sees fit. You can puff up your lips (if it floats your boat) or make certain bits of it fuller or rounder etc. This can be done by implanting either fat grafts (usually from the periumbilical region, peri- = around, umbilical = belly button) or a synthetic AlloDerm implant.

Sometimes, this involves the Cupid's bow of the upper lip, the vermillion (the reddish part of your lips) and the skin (see picture). Example of someone (Rick Springfield) obliterating his Cupid's bow, showing the pre-op lips (right) and the end result (left). The difference is very subtle but it's there nevertheless. A minute amount of fat or AlloDerm can be injected under the Cupid's bow to raise the level of the vermillion to fill up the depression. Alternatively, two incisions can be made to trim off the two peaks of the upper lip (this however tends to leave larger scars).

Sexy Lips and Cupid's Bow

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

MTG Explains Dawn's Latest Post

Magic the Gathering card: Divine RetributionTuesday, November 15, 2005
11:49 A.M.

It's been a really trying time being in the limelight... In Dawn's latest article, she starts talking about her side of the story. Interesting and full of niceness as usual, while talking about "what goes around comes around". And quoting lines from the bible "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" (I am not an expert on bible studies but I think we all know what she is trying to imply here). Continuing by saying "I do not think I am a particularly bad person who has bitched about or intentionally hurt anyone or done anything remotely wicked/unlawful.... :(((".

Gssq: Those pictures you got must be FRAUDS!! HOW COULD YOU LIE!?!? OH MY GOSH*

Magic the Gathering card: VictimizeAlso I love the way she goes about trying to play the "victimised" card, saying how "how cruel and vicious some anonymous internet people can be". Ditto right back at her.
It seems that she is trying to take the moral high ground and the likes of gssq and xialanxue have lost by default due to their cruel intent (I do not rank myself amongst them yet for I am neither cruel nor vicious: just point out the truth :D) Seems she has learned a thing or two from her manager about fan management and rumour suppression during that one week absence. Maybe troll can give some of her insights soon?

IMO, its laden with hypocrisy but nevertheless an interesting read. She does not flatly deny the accusations of surgery and also does not addressing any of the issues (Thai/Dutch heritage, USC, Surgery etc) brought up by various inquests.

     She's still in DENIAL folks!!

Magic the Gathering card: Fervent DenialFramed!
<----Framed ?
You decide.

Lip Service (Part 1)

Two major types of aesthetic lip surgery frequently done are:
  1. Lip Reduction
  2. Lip Augmentation

1. Lip Reduction
Prominent lips are features commonly associated with non-Caucasians such as Africans, Asians etc. More often than not, these patients seek to reduce the size of their lips to obtain a balance with respect to their faces. Some might consider bee-stung lips (like that of Shu Qi and Angelina Jolie) are sexy, but in other situations, oversized lips are considered unaesthetic. Again there are multiple ways of doing this depending on the desired results and the problem.

Horizontal Incision (Left): A strip is removed from the offending lip interiorly. The gap is sewn together with fine absorbable sutures.
Vertical Incision (Right): Cut along purple line. Sew it back together. Simple.
Horizontal Incision Vertical Incision

Coming up: Lip Service (Part 2)

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Three Plasticteers

Disclaimer: I am not trying to ruin anyone in this post, but this is just an observation I have made.

This is not totally related to Dawn but I thought this was funny:
Spot the similarities in the following two pictures and hover your mouse over each of them for the answers.

If my sources are reliable [Ed: not very reliable indeed], Candice was from the 2002 graduating class of ACJC and both Dawn and Grace [Ed: Candice too, all three were from RJC] [Ed. Ok, wherever the fuck Candice is from] were from the 2002 class of RJC. The three of them are friends.

This rumour has been to my knowledge since 2003 after the end of the A levels. It was said that Dawn, Grace and Candice got their noses done at the same place. At first I was skeptical of this piece of information, but just a while ago, I spotted Grace in the University of Sydney sporting a new nose. Another friend of mine informed me that Candice (the girl on the right in picture 2) was in USyd as well and people have been saying that she had a nose-job done (he also identified her in that picture).

I have no evidence or proof (I do not have secondary school pictures of them and also this isn't about them) of this but the similarities in the two pictures speaks a thousand words. Also I do not intend to burn more witches than it is necessary (I just hope Dawn can come clean). Simply put, this is just a sideline comment and an observation of the plastic scene in Singapore [Ed: There are shitzloadz of people who had plastic surgery done!!!1!one!].

Makes one wonder how much of your girlfriend is real eh (Troll <3 is 100% AFAIK).

Friday, November 11, 2005

Rhinoplasty 101

Figure 1: The NoseFigure 1: The Nose
The Asian nose is characterised by its shortness of the nasal tip, and the 'button' nose type is generally considered unattractive. Figure 1 compares the Asian nose with the Caucasian nose.

You would notice that the tip of the nose is not made up of calcified bone (Nasal Bone), but in fact made of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue found in various parts of the body such as the nose, ear and joints. So at this point the connection between rhinoplasty and cartilage is clear. To make your nose sharper, you have to harvest cartilage from somewhere and graft it back into your nose.

Basically you can't remove the cartilage from your joints (since you would still prefer to be a non-handicapped beauty), you would have to remove it from either the ear or the sternum's costal cartilage (the stuff that connects your breastbone to your ribs) or even someone else's cartilage (your body won't reject cartilage since its not alive). The ear is usually used (no one really listens anyway) and this bone is taken and grafted onto the tip of the nose. That's Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty in a nut shell.

Figure 2: Alar Cartilage Resection

In addition to giving you a sharper nose, other less demanding procedures can be accomplished. One of them is Alar Cartilage Resection. This one, basically, as the picture suggests makes ur nostrils narrower. Again eliminating the wide button nose South East Asians suffer from. So on the bright side, when there's a will, there's a way: if you wanna lose the nose, get a good plastie and pay your bills.

So ladies and gents that's how its done.

Of Plastic Man (and Woman)

Recently the whole thing about Dawn Yeo a.k.a. Dawn Yang, clapbangkiss has been blown up to hell. After her appearance on a The New Paper article (since when TNP became a reliant an reputable force in Singapore journalism I cannot tell). Since the knowledge of her surgery is no longer a well kept secret. I shall let the cat out of the bag.

On side note, this is not a personal attack or a commentary (excuse the TNP attack). I am here to clarify and present evidence for the case on plastic surgery and hopefully outline her psychological basis during her reconstructive endeavour.